Italian Development Cooperation (AICS) - Go Blue recipe booklet

Go Blue is the Programme for the development of Kenya coastal counties financed by the European Union and implemented in partnership with the Government of Kenya. The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) is in charge of the implementation of field activities for the fishery and the cassava value chains development. The overall objective is to contribute to coastal economic development in an inclusive, integrated, participatory and sustainable manner. 

Trans.Lieu was asked to produce a recipe booklet in English and Kiswahili containing illustrated fish recipes taken both from the Italian and the Swahili culinary traditions. The aim of this recipe booklet is to promote and raise awareness on fish properties as well as different ways of cooking and consuming fish and ultimately enhance the fish consumption on the coast while valorising the Italian and Swahili cooking traditions.

You can download the recipe booklet here:

Client: Italian Development Cooperation (AICS)

Services: Drawings / Graphic design and layout

Year: 2024
