IFRC - Addressing SGBV is everyone’s responsibility

All staff in IFRC and National Societies have the responsibility to ensure that their interventions will not create further harm nor exacerbate further SGBV-related risks. They have the duty to apply a survivor-centred approach if they receive a disclosure about an SGBV incident and uphold at all times the principles outlined in the IFRC PSEA policy.

To do so, Trans.Lieu helped IFRC to develop a multimedia package of IEC materials to increase the knowledge of staff and volunteers, including managers, on their duties to address SGBV in the communities they serve. This animation video was designed to help IFRC staff and National Societies staff and volunteers to understand their roles and responsibilities in preventing, mitigating, and responding to SGBV, as per the RCRC Movement Resolution on Joint Action on SGBV Prevention and Response. The animation video is available in English and French.

Client: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Services: Animation video

Year: 2020
