UN-Habitat Somalia - EU-Re-Integ programme

Over 1.1 million people, or nearly ten percent, of the Somali population live in protracted internal displacement. Another one million Somalis are in
displacement in neighbouring countries, bringing the total displaced population to approximately 20% of the current estimated population of Somalia.

The EU-Re-Integ programme is a 3 year initative whose overall objective is to facilitate and support durable solutions for IDPs in Mogadishu, by substantially improving their living conditions through the establishment of governance systems, increased housing, land and property rights and social, economic and political inclusion.

Trans.Lieu was commisioned to produce a set of three video snippet highlighting the key successes of the programme with a focus on the COVID-19 response, cash transfers and GBV interventions.

Client: UN-Habitat Somalia

Services: Video production

Year: 2021
