A joint initiative of ChildFund Kenya, DuPont and Davis & Shirtliff

💧 Providing Access to Clean Water 💧: A joint initiative of ChildFund, DuPont and Davis & Shirtliff

Over 7,500 people living along the shores of Lake Victoria now have access to clean water for domestic use after ChildFund, with support from DuPont and Davis & Shirtliff, commissioned an ultra-filtration water treatment plant in Nyagina Beach, Homa Bay County, Kenya. Previously, the community relied on water from the lake for domestic use which is highly contaminated and unsafe for human consumption, posing dangers and infections related to waterborne diseases.

Trans.Lieu was engaged by ChildFund to produce this video that shows how due to the consumption of this unclean water directly from the lake, children were constantly exposed to pathogens capable of stunting their lifelong development. Due to the intervention, access to clean, safe water will reduce time wasted by women and girls when going to fetch water from the lake, which in addition, exposes girls and women to additional dangers such as attacks by crocodiles and hippopotamuses.

Client: ChildFund Kenya

Services: Videography

Year: 2024
