International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Niger

The Niger Community Cohesion Initiative (NCCI), funded by the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), seeks to increase the resilience of Nigerien communities to conflict, insecurity and violent extremism in Tahoua, Tillaberi and Diffa, by strengthening the trust of vulnerable communities in local authorities and improving social cohesion.

Trans.Lieu was engaged to develop and create a set of 27 drawings reflecting the various testimonies of the beneficiaries, touching upon the success stories of the various interventions, as well as design and layout a summary brochure in English and French.

You can read one of the stories here: Broadcasting Peace: Tillia’s Community Radio Promotes Social Cohesion

Client: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Niger

Services: Graphic design and layout / Drawings

Year: 2021
