Trocaire Kenya - UKAid Match (UKAM) Project

From 2016 to 2019, Trocaire and her partners implemented the UKAid Match (UKAM) Project - Community Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Program. The aim of the project was to help build the resilience of the vulnerable communities against the negative effects of climate change. The UKAM project was implemented in the ASAL regions of Embu, Kitui, and Tharaka Nithi by OSA, Caritas Kitui, Caritas Meru, in addition to PACJA as a national policy and advocacy partner.
Trans.Lieu got engaged to capture the successes of the project through a set of photographs and develop a programme coffee table photobook capturing a number of field case studies.
Client: Trocaire Kenya - UKAid Match (UKAM) Project
Services: Photography / Graphic design and layout
Year: 2021